Monday, July 27, 2009

Here are a few random pictures from different places and some from our last couple days that I didn't get loaded earlier.
Monument Valley Az./Utah.

Also Monument Valley.

An elk posing with the kids for pictures at Grand Canyon.

Before he started posing.

There were these ground squirells all over the dersert, but dont feed them or.........

they will bite your finger off.

More Grand Canyon.

And more.....

The Eiffle Tower in Las Vegas.

The Statue of Liberty, LV.

This was the way out of the Balcony House at Mesa Verde NP. As you can see, the kids fit fine, it was a little snug for me but I made it.

Here's a cool way to carry your motorcycle with you.

Here we are inside the "capsule" the you ride in to get to the top of the St. Louis Arch, there are five seats.

This is me standing outside one of the capsules they have on display.

The Mammoth Cave Railroad used to carry folks to the entrance of the cave before there was a road.

Inside Mammoth Cave.

Watch your head!

If you go in the "New" entrance (opened in 1922) you start out going down 300 steps.

The best looking mountains I saw the whole trip, the Great Smokey Mountains, North Carolina.

Friday, July 17, 2009

We went 7368 or so miles, and we are back home. We got home yesterday 7-16-09 at about 2pm. On the 15th we went to see Mamoth Cave, or part of it anyway, it has 367 MILES of charted passageways and still counting. I will put up some pictures of that stop when I find the camera card.

Last night we celebrated getting home with a trip to our favorite restaurant (San Felipe) and going to bed early in our own beds.

Now to unpack the RV and pack for Boy Scout Camp.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We have been 6704 miles since we left home.
Yesterday we crossed 2/3's of Kansas and most of Missouri, the most intresting thing we saw was the gas prices, I even saw 2.219 at one place.

This morning we went to the St. Louis Arch, also known as the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial National Park.

It was a little overcast but it was still awsome to see.

This is looking straight down from inside the top of the arch.

To look out you lay on your belly, you are hanging in the air 600 ft up.

The St. Louis side of the arch, they rolled out the red carpet for our visit.

Beautiful at any elevation.

Then we drove accross Illinois.

And most of Indiana, Illinois looks a lot like Kansas, flat farms and oil rigs, Indiana looks and feels like home, hills and trees and humidity.
We are going to Mamoth Cave, Kentucky, tomorrow, and then headed for the house.

Monday, July 13, 2009

We have been 6230 miles since we left home.
On July 10th we went to the Mesa Verde NP where we saw and went into the cliff dwellings. About 800 years ago the Hopi Indians built these houses in the cliffs.

They made the "bricks" from the local sandstone.

To get into the "Balcony House" you have to climb this 32 foot ladder.

Cliff Palace. The round pits are where they worshipped, they were covered with a roof when the Hopi's were here.

It started to rain, the girls were so excited to see rain that they danced in it.

This was the sunset view from our diner.

Grilled pork chops!

We traveled Saturday through Colorado, anyone thirsty for a Coors?

It rained Saturday too, we always remember our friend Neil when we see a rainbow.

Sunday morning we rode the Cog Railway to the top of Pikes Peak, the track pictured here is a 25% grade (steep!).

It was around 40 degrees and the wind chill was around 25 at the top.

Good thing we stopped when we did.

After Pike's Peak we went to Garden of the God's city park.

The balancing rock.
We left out headed east and a big rain storm chased us for the rest of the day. It was going about 55 mph and we were going 65. Every time we stopped it would catch up in about 15 minutes.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Even though we are a bit road weary, this trip has been so much fun. The kids have been great, we have been blessed with great weather, and we are seeing things that we all will remember for a lifetime. I highly recommend driving around the country, there is so much to see. Thought I would add a few more pics from the last few days.
My beautiful girls and handsom boy watching the sunset at the Grand Canyon.

This was a hawk soaring overhead when we first got to the GC. At first he was lower and closer but I am no quickdraw with the camera.

This is a California Condor who was sitting on a rock about 300 yards down in the GC. Condors originally lived in this area when it was the coast, they moved with the shoreline to California as the ocean receeded (several million years ago they say). The Park Service has reintroduced them to the GC and they are doing well.

Here is a glimps of the Colorado River which was about 4600 ft. below and 5 miles away from where we were. You can see the bridge across the river that hikers use to cross to get to the North Rim, Its only 11 air miles, but 24 foot miles. Jean bought a book telling about all the people who don't make it, usually because they run out of water.

On out way from LV to GC the sun was setting as the moon rose. I hope I got a better picture than this, but you get the idea.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

We have been 5243 miles since we left home. For those who were wondering, Jean does drive the RV, and does a great job too.

On the way to Las Vegas we drove through a stretch of desert that was nothing but sand.
We rode down Las Vegas Blvd. and went to a really good buffett.

Lake Mead.

Because of the construction (they are building a bypass around the dam), you couldn't see the other side of the dam.
The next thing you know, we are at the Grand Canyon.

The South Rim is about 7000 ft in elevation, the Colorado River is at around 2400 ft. The North Rim is 11 miles away from where we are sitting here.

These are Navajo Indians dancing at the Grand Canyon.

This guy was grazing beside the road, he even sat down and posed for pictures.

Sunset from where the Grand View Hotel used to be.

Today we drove through Monument Valley, which starts in Arizona and runs into Utah, on the way to Mesa Verda, Colorado.

Somewhere around here Forrest Gump got tired of running and went home.

Mexican Hat Rock.